Facebook accounts. Poland. Farm from 14 days, 0-500 friends, registration done on a live device, daily login, high trust, registration with phone number, cookies, token, FP, filled-in documents, profile picture, messages, posts, launch without delay.
Account farming: daily login to the account while farming, social. activity on most (video, likes, comments, correspondence, etc.), farmed cookies on sites.
Check passed. Registration and all actions on the accounts were made from the ip Poland.
Gender female. Account names in Latin and Cyrillic.
An avatar and 10+ photos have been added to the profile.
We recommend logging in and using Facebook accounts only from Polish ips and using Useragent and Cookies. There are no replacements or returns in case of a ban/check in another case.
Format of issued accounts:
- Login:Password, Date of birth:FB_ID:Cookies:Token:UserAgent
It is recommended to use the following browser: Indigo, Sfera, Dolphin Anty, Octo browser or Incognito. Launching from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Yandex.Browser is allowed.