Facebook USA - Quality Farm (spam free) 140 days, Friends 500+ King - SMS, Email, Cookies, Photos, Unlocked Selfie (not once). (Document of Selfie and KYC verification)

$ 41.11


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Facebook USA accounts for launching ads - Quality Farm.
Ideal for advertising and Business Managers.
The package includes an email and a password from it.

There are many posts on the wall (avatars), mail and sms+.
Work was done through a new authorization (Often).
There are 500 or more friends on the accounts.
There may be many correspondence and open chats.

Logins from IP addresses of different countries are possible
(in order to increase the viability of the account).
There is no way to receive SMS on these accounts.
There may be no interests and preferences on the account.
Unfortunately, there may be accounts of another geo.