❤️TWITTER MAIL AUTH_TOKEN проверено по почте, включен электронный адрес, может быть нерабочим. Женский. Латинские имена❤️❤️TWITTER MAIL AUTH_TOKEN Verified by MAIL, email included, may not work. Female. Latin names❤️

$ 0.20



Confirmed by mail, mail VALID

Gender (F). Name in Latin. Registered with MIX ip.


Recommendations for working with Twitter accounts:

Validation check:

After purchasing the product, it needs to be checked in the browser (or checker) via login, for example https://twitter.com/sashagrey, if you see the account, then it is valid - you can proceed to authorization.

If you see the messages "Account suspended" or "Caution: This account is temporarily restricted", it means that the account is blocked and should be replaced!

Authorization recommendations: - It is recommended to enter using the TOKEN provided. - When authorizing, you need to use a proxy. Use clean residential or Mobile proxies - (Ukraine, Poland, etc. will work! Russia will not work!) - It is not recommended to use VPNs, shared proxies, DataCenter proxies, ALL Russian IPs, home IPs. In these cases, you risk getting blocked at the entrance, for example - password reset, SMS verification, or request for a code from your email. - Each account must have a personal Device (UserAgent) and proxy!

How to enter using a TOKEN?

Use browser plugins, for example

EditThisCookie (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/editthiscookie/fngmhnnpilhplaeedifhccceomclgfbg?hl=en)

!!!! Logging into the account does not require entering verification codes from email/SMS or other data.

If you encounter a problem, you can open a dispute or write to technical support on Telegram (a faster way to communicate)

Sample request:

how were the accounts checked?

which proxies/device were used when working with the accounts?

Describe the problem in detail

File format

Login, Pass, Mail, Pass_mail, auth_token, reg_date