⚡️Telegram accounts 2024. IP Indonesia. (Tdata). Gender Male or female. 2fa disabled. Accounts partially filled. Last activity 15+ days.

$ 0.60


⚡️Telegram accounts 2024. IP Indonesia. (Tdata). Gender Male or Female. 2fa disabled. Accounts partially filled. Age 15+ days

Partially filled
Gender Male or Female
Registration with IP Indonesia
2fa disabled
Age 15+ days.

Issuance Format - link


1) Follow the link(s) from the text file received after purchase, click "Download all"
2) Unpack the downloaded archive and place the Telegram.exe file there (not in the archive, download from the official website). So, the tdata folder and the Telegram.exe file should be in the SAME directory
It is important to download the very latest version of Telegram, otherwise the account may be banned.
3) Run Telegram.exe and use the account.