Facebook accounts France | 2FA | Verified by email. Email NOT included | Useragent and Cookies included | Avatar added | Names: FR | Registered on real devices FR IP

$ 1.19


  • The FB accounts are registered automatically with real android devices.
  • The accounts were created with a French IP.
  • Verified by email. Email address is NOT in set.
  • Useragent and Cookies is in set.
  • Profile picture is added.
  • Added 2FA authorization. 2FA codes can be entered here.
  • French names.

Log into accounts only with the proxy of the country of registration! Otherwise, Facebook will reset the password and you will have to restore it via email. There are no replacements and refunds in this case.

Format of accounts:

  • Login|Password_fb|ID_fb|Birth date|Useragent|Cookies

Logging into your account without Cookies is at your own risk, there are no substitutions in this case.

Account validity is verified using its ID (example: https://www.facebook.com/ID) or through the service for verification https://checkaccs.nppr.team/ After you log in to your account, there are no replacements.

If you log into your account and encounter issues such as verification or a ban, it may be due to your login or other actions that are not compatible with the proxy. In such cases, these accounts are not eligible for refunds or exchanges. After you log into your account, there are no replacements.

The store is not responsible for the performance of third-party services that automate account management, such as dolphin, fb tools, and others, and does not guarantee the compatibility of cookies and access tokens. It is recommended to test on a small quantity before making a purchase. The store reserves the right to refuse replacements or refunds.

Before purchasing, please read the rules and recommendations.

Purchase a small test batch of FB accounts before buying in bulk.

- How to use accounts with cookies: Cookies.