(Ukraine) Acc FB with 1-2 Business Manager | Limit $50-250. Registration on phone + Active email! +1-3FP | Small account farm! - 1+2BM - Manual farm 7

$ 4.31


(Ukraine) Samofarm Acc FB c 1-2 x Business Manager | Limit 50$. Confirmed by SMS! Email is available! FARM + FP + Documents!

Be sure to use a proxy. The account may be empty or partially filled.

About the account:
- Ukraine with created BM 50$ (2). Created ad account, TOKEN+.
- Friends 0-100. Farming for 5-7 days.
- Email (Available)

- The account has profile picture.
- Profile is partially filled.
- Business manager is created
- FP is available (1-3)

Format: Login:pass: cookies: email: doc

How to pass 2FA verification on our accounts?

It's very simple

In the file there is a 32-character code - we paste it on the website https://2fa.fb.rip and get an 8-digit code, which we paste in Facebook, DONE.


Before logging in, check for validity by ID, if the profile is not displayed, contact support,
we will provide replacement.