7 DAYS! (USA) FARM STRONG King 7 days! 1-3 FP | 7-10 approaches! Friends 0-30 | There are actions outside of FB. Interests. Categories. Advertising in the feed | There are photos from 10 to 20 photos for selfies. MANUAL FARM 7 days!

$ 6.80


USA KING / Manual farm 7-10 days / 0-1 BM / 1-2 FP / 2FA (May not be available) / Interests (May not be available) / Passed selfie / Full cookies / Friends / Activity outside of FB


- Completely manual farm

- Registrations on other sites through Facebook

- Manual click Hug (ad clicks, purchases on sites)

- 1-2 FP with posts

- 0-1 BM created via Instagram (May include native BM)

- Friends on each account

- Activity within Facebook (focus on regular user actions)

- Documents for passing BM on request

- Full cookies included

- Photos for passing selfies included

Format: Login:pass:email:email password:Date of birth:Account ID::UserAgent::cookies: