⭐️Facebook - geo accounts: USA✔️Proxy USA✅Fan Page created✅ EAAB&Cookie&User⚡️Verified by phone number⚛️id|pass|name|id accounts|id fp|user-agent|cookies⭐️

$ 0.53


⭐️Facebook - geo accounts: USA✔️Proxy USA✅Fan Page Created✅ EAAB&Cookie&User⚡️Verified by phone⚛️id|pass|name|id accounts|id fp|user-agent|cookies⭐️

Registration manually by phone number

Avatar/Cover photo included

Real USA profile, currency in US Dollar

Good for autoposting

FP (Fan Page) created.

Check accounts on checker immediately after purchase
10-15 minutes for account checking from the moment of purchase. Screenshots after adding accounts to Nuklz - do not warrant replacement.

Format: log|pass|name|id accounts|id fp|user-agent|cookies⭐️