King Farm Accounts 150+ days | 100-1000 friends | PRO mode | Filled | FP | Email | EAAB, Cookies | 2FA | US IP | Advertising in feed

$ 8.82


These accounts are over 3 months old. Most of them have 500+ friends, some even have 1000+.

Each account is associated with a unique interest upon creation, which forms the basis for all further activities, including Facebook and beyond.

Accounts are at least 150 days old. The farming period is also at least 150 days or more. During this time, more than 20 warming-up and account filling sessions have been conducted.

Wall posts, community subscriptions, reposts, likes, and comments. Posts on personal pages. Advertisements appear on all accounts' feeds. Most accounts have conversations with friends. Maximum trust factor on accounts.

All accounts have gone through unbanning with selfies, are registered with SMS, and are associated with email accounts with access. Service - Email login credentials are included with the account. Email accounts are not banned, and emails from Facebook consistently arrive.


(the translation continues)