Format TDATA / .OD / Session / Session+Json / zpprofile

$ 1.22


Telegram accounts for personal use. VALID B,U
1. Verified by SMS
2. Registered with Indonesian IP
3. Last used 20 days ago.
4. Gender: MIX
5. Accounts were used. PASSWORD123 if not suitable, use the account like this.
6. Format: TDATA (to work with the accounts, you will need the Portable version of Telegram (not in the archive, needs to be downloaded from the official site
Account format provided: Account link.
1) Download the archive from the link(s) in the text file.
For mass file upload, use the MEGA Desktop App.
2) Unzip the downloaded archive and place the Telegram.exe file there (not in the archive, needs to be downloaded from the official site). Meaning the tdata folder and Telegram.exe file must be in the SAME directory.
To avoid unforeseen issues, use the latest version of Telegram.
3) Run Telegram.exe and use the account.
Rules of use:
If the accounts are mass banned upon first launch, recheck the following:

Make sure no other Telegram process was open in the Task Manager before launching, if open, end all processes.
Accounts are recommended to be launched on the latest version of Telegram.
Login using a clean private proxy (ideally mobile).
Do not use free services to change IP.
Do not log in to multiple accounts on one IP.

Do not change 2FA passwords on ALL accounts at once, they may get mass banned!


1 account = 1 proxy
Start by purchasing a small number of accounts and testing them,
Ctrl + Q - quickly close Telegram.

Portable version of Telegram is required to work with the accounts (not in the archive, needs to be downloaded from the official site
Registered through the official Android client, have high trust from Telegram

Time for checking the accounts: 30 minutes.

No login and password included!! Login only from PC, through the desktop application!

Telegram portable (tdata) does not work on MacOS

Gender can be male or female.

Important: If the portable version of Telegram is not included, it must be downloaded from the official site

Use high-quality mobile proxies!

Instructions for use:

1) Download the archive with the data after purchase and unpack it into the same folder as telegram.exe portable.

2) Run telegram.exe.

3) Use the account.

All accounts are thoroughly checked before being uploaded, so: - Account replacements are only made if there are video materials confirming that the account was invalid BEFORE you logged into it. The video should show the moment of purchase and account verification by phone number on the Telegram web authentication page Then standard login to the account following the instructions below using Mobile internet from the corresponding country, Russian accounts means Russian mobile internet. - If your session expires after successful login for any reason, it is not a reason for replacement, analyze your actions and find the mistake. (using the latest version of Portable Telegram, using mobile proxies, and not manually clicking the log out button - it will completely close your session in this archive).

Recommendations for purchase.
Buy accounts if you know how to use them. (the store does not provide training on working with accounts)
Use high-quality mobile proxies, VPN and other public proxies ban accounts.
Buy Telegram accounts a few at a time and test them for your work, if they are suitable, buy more.
Do not start 30 accounts on 1 proxy, there is a chance that the entire batch of accounts will be banned because of one proxy.
If you use mobile proxies, you can use one, but make sure the IP changes.
If you bought many accounts, start by checking 1-3 accounts first, so as not to kill all accounts if something goes wrong.

Account archives are stored in the file sharing service for 30 days, download immediately after purchase to have them locally in case of cloud deletion!