
$ 3.68


Telegram accounts are registered on numbers +77 (Kazakhstan).
Names: EN.
Format: tdata.
2FA (password 30081987).
Accounts can be empty or have chats/dialogues.

Accounts cannot be opened on a phone. This format cannot be opened on macOS, Windows is needed. Tdata format for Telegram Portable version.

If you use accounts through software, these accounts can only be opened on software: Telegram Expert, TeleRaptor. We do not provide replacements when using other software.
IMPORTANT! Access via proxy! Connect the proxy before accessing the account, otherwise there will be no replacements! Use 1 IP address for 1 account (in the account's country).

Accounts may have temporary spam blocks, which are lifted over time. Only accounts with permanent spam blocks are subject to replacement.

Instructions for use:

Download the archive with the data received after payment and unpack it into the same folder as telegram.exe.
Run telegram.exe.
Use the account.

Purchase recommendations:

Use proxies when working with accounts.
Start by buying a small number of accounts (up to 5) and test them.

20-minute warranty on the product after purchase. To replace or return in case the account is not working, you must have a video recording from the moment of purchase until the problem arises. Always connect private clean proxies before opening accounts (do not use free ones).