
$ 6.73



  • Registered manually RU number +7
  • Format: TDATA
  • Gender: FEMALE
  • Account may be partially filled
  • If there is 2FA, it is indicated
  • For any purposes with proper use

Instructions for use:

  1. Download the archive with the data received after payment and unpack it into one folder with telegram.exe Portable
  2. Run telegram.exe
  3. Use the account

Recommendations for purchase:

  • Be sure to use a proxy;
  • First, buy a small number of accounts (up to 10) and test them.

Attention: after the last update of Telegram, accounts began to be excessively blocked with a spam block. To avoid this, we recommend logging in only under high-quality proxies or keeping the accounts for several days after receiving them. In case of logging into a new account but receiving a spam block, no refund/replacement will be made.

Replacement or return of the goods only with a video from the moment of purchase, connecting a proxy before attempting to log in.