⭐️ Twitter Accounts | Verified by email | Tracked | Email functional ⭐️

$ 0.44


• Confirmed by email (rambler/mail.ru/firstmail), valid email is always provided and works.
• When checking the account, it is mandatory to use a proxy and anti-detection browser.
• Accounts registered manually. Partially have posts, followers, subscriptions, retweets, and tweets.
If an account has an avatar, banner, etc. it will be mentioned.
• If, when checking the account, you see the message "Your account is temporarily restricted" - do not worry, just enter your account and complete the captcha, this is an absolutely normal situation. If you received any temporary limitations during the use of the account - wait, this is not a reason for a replacement. For your own safety, always change your passwords on the purchased accounts as soon as possible.

If you have any issues or inconvenience with a standard login, use the token, believe me, it's convenient, safe, and fast!
Instructions on how to log in via token – INSTRUCTIONS

Format of account distribution - login:password:mail:mailpass:auth_token