TWITTER ⌛️ OLD accounts ❉ Guaranteed minimum settling period of 45+ days ❉ Verified by email ❉ Self-registered ❉ Up to 8 tweets ❉ Email included ❉ Random number of avatars and subscribers ❉ No blocks! ❉ IP MIX

$ 0.27


- Twiter accounts auto registration
- Registration year 2022-2023
- At least 45 days of guaranteed aging
- Registered with mix ip - premium proxies
- Confirmed by e-mail
- An e-mail is included (sometimes may require SMS confirmation or not work)
- A random number of avatars and subscribers (subscribers are guaranteed not to unsubscribe)
- 0 to 8 tweets added
- No blocking! They live peacefully in aging!
- Format: login:password:email:password