Akki Facebook (Belarus) for advertising - completed TOKEN Eaab - With friends

$ 3.44


Facebook accounts (Belarus) for advertising.
Account Trust: 
The package includes:
login:password:Profile ID:Date of birth:Token:Useragent:Cookie

Login via COOKIES in JSON format (suitable for all browsers). BM is not created, but can be attached.
Holds and run ads well.  Male and female gender (mix)
Detailed instructions on logging in via cookies are available in the header of the site in the section "How to work"

Facebook accounts (BL) for advertising.
Account Trust: 
The package includes:
login:password:Profile ID:Date of birth:Token:Useragent:Cookie
Have email

Login via COOKIES in JSON format (suitable for all browsers). The BM is not created, but it can be attached.
Gender male and female (mix)
Detailed instructions on logging in via cookies are available in the header of the site in the section " How to work"