Facebook - USA, premium quality autoreg, (Do not die when left inactive), Inactive for 30+ days, Registration with phone number, +avatar, EAAB token + Cookies + UserAgent+

$ 1.20



  • Accounts registered with US IP to this number!
  • WITHOUT ZRD at the moment of the check (ZRD replacement);
  • EAAB token;
  • Female;
  • Added avatar;
  • Cookie and User-agent included;
  • Format:  login: FB password;date of birth;First Name Last Name;URL;EAAB token;UserAgent;Cookies

  • We recommend to enter accounts using a proxy of the country of registration!  Otherwise, Facebook gives an error with password, although the password is correct. Replacements and refunds are not provided in this case.

    In case of ZRD, a replacement is provided.

    If after the purchase, you signed into the account and saw a ban, send the account to us immediately, we will check the account, find out the reasons for the blocking and when it happened, and if it was not your fault - you will get a replacement.

    We recommend checking the validity immediately, as the replacements are issued within an hour after the purchase.


    The validity of the accounts is verified by their id (https://www.facebook.com/ID)