KING FART! (France) Completed ZRD + Active MAIL! User Agent + Token EAAB . Created FP

$ 7.87


BESTSELLER! (France) Passed ZRD + Token EAAB + User Agent +FP!

Perfect for advertising

About the account: 

Be sure to use an antiq + proxy under the geo account!

How to pass 2FA authentication on our accounts? 

Very simple

The file contains a 32-digit code - insert it on the website and get an 8-digit code, which you insert in fb, DONE.


Before entering, check the validity by id, if the profile is not displayed, write to the support, 
we will issue a replacement.

- All accounts are registered with mobile IP.
- Advertising activity is UNBLOCKED and ready to work (passport was sent and confirmed).
- The profile is partially FILLED OUT. - Token EAAB, UserAgent and Cookies are included. - All accounts are female.

Format - login : password : email : profile link : useragent : token : date of birth json cookie,