King Farm Accounts 20+ days | PRO mode | Populated | 2FA | FP | Email| EAAB, Cookies | UA IP | Newsfeed Ads

$ 2.99


Account farming with AI services for maximum repetition of human actions and unique farming for each account.

Each account is tied to a unique interest after its creation, on the basis of which all further work is carried out. Including activity on and off Facebook. 

The farming time is from 20 days or more. During this time, more than 8-10 account warm-up and replenishment sessions were conducted. 

Wall posts, subscriptions to communities, reposts, likes, and comments. Posts in their own FB pages. All accounts display feed ads. 

All accounts are registered on SMS, and email with access to it is attached to the accounts. Most of the accounts were previously verified with selfies. The mailboxes for the accounts are provided by the service - The login and password from the mailboxes are included with the account. The email accounts won't be banned, and emails from FB will be delivered stably. 

The accounts will have 2FA enabled (two-factor authentication), and the code for logging in is included. 

These accounts are excellently suitable for both Kings for transferring PMs from them to launch from other accounts, and for direct launch from the accounts themselves. 

You can launch ads right after purchasing. There's no need to track and warm up the account, as it is already fully ready for working!

We recommend importing the account into browsers through the complete set