Poland | KING Facebook | Farm 14+ days | Profile filled | Activity | Fun Page+ | Email+ included | Photo+ | Autofill+ | Start without delay | Cookie+Token+User-Agent | Facebook PL

$ 3.33


14-20 days farming, 8 to 12 farming sessions

- Avatar, cover

- Filling out Bio/Hobbies

- 15-20 posts

- Fan page + avatar + 5 posts

- EAAB token

- Verified via text message, mail included

- Activated 2fa for trust

- Enabled business mode

- Joining 5-10 groups

- Feed likes

- 5+ reposts

- 5+ post comments

- Website processing

- Event registration

userID;password;dateofbirthday(numbers only);mail;mailpassword;userID;useragent;token;cookie;2fa;tg with selfie

If you see a ban on the account after purchasing, do not send a photo to Facebook or take any other actions.

Send the account to us immediately, we will check the account, determine the reasons for the suspension, and when it happened. If it is not your fault, you will get a replacement.

Check the validity immediately. Replacements are issued within an hour after purchase.

We recommend entering and using Facebook accounts only with Polish ip. When logging in from other countries, access to the service may be restricted. Substitutions are not provided in this case.

Account validity is checked by its ID (https://www.facebook.com/ID)

Example https://www.facebook.com/100066749561887

After logging in and taking actions in the account, substitutions are not made.