Facebook Accounts, Poland. Farmed for 2 months, 1000-2000 real friends, registration with phone number linked to email, FP, cookies, token, email password included. Docs filled, avatar, chats, posts!

$ 4.11



Facebook accounts are registered automatically on a mobile device emulator.

Farming of accounts for 30 days or more, daily login to the account during farming. Social activity on most (videos, likes, comments, correspondence, etc.), harvested cookies on the sites.

Active correspondence and mailing on the accounts.

Mail with access (firstmail.ltd) is included. The check has been passed. FP has been created. Registration and all actions on accounts were carried out with IP Poland.

 Female gender. Account names in Latin and Cyrillic.

An avatar and 10+ photos have been added to the profile.

The format of the issued accounts: Login, password, email, email password, date of birth, ID, Cookies in JSON format, Token (EAAB), Useragent.

Sometimes there are accounts linked to a penny email, to login via email you need to use  bot in the telegram https://t.me/Optimusmailbot