Facebook accounts, Poland. Farmed for 2 months, 500-1000 real friends, registered with a phone number linked to an email, FP, cookies, token, and email password included. Documents filled in, avatar, correspondence, posts!

$ 3.63



Facebook accounts are registered automatically on a mobile device emulator.

Farm Facebook accounts from 30 days, with daily log-in to the account during farming, social activity on majority (video, likes, comment, correspondence, etc.), collected cookies from websites.

The accounts were actively used for correspondence and sending messages.

E-mail included (firstmail.ltd) in the set. The check is validated. FP is created. Registration and all actions on the accounts were conducted with a Polish IP.

Female. The account names are in Latin and Cyrillic.

An avatar and 10+ were added to the profile.

Format of provided accounts: Login, password, e-mail, e-mail password, date of birth, ID, Cookies in JSON format, Token (EAAB), Useragent.

Sometimes you come across accounts bound to kopeika e-mail, to log in by e-mail you must use the Telegram bot https://t.me/Optimusmailbot

99% (firstmail.ltd)