BM w/ Business Manager Restored, yellow box, 3 invitation links #5.2.1

$ 2.21


Here I have separately collected BMs with yellow status after the PZRD "Certain restrictions will be applied to this account shortly":


BM with PZRD, therefore increased trust. New PZRD from March 18-23.

Most of the accounts do not display PZRD plates, as Facebook has hardly issued it over the last few weeks. Get used to the new reality. As a proof of PZRD, you will find a link to the donor's letter about the PZRD of this BM in the line:


Very often, Facebook kicks the repeated ZRD of the BM or to the yellow status "Certain restrictions will be applied to this account shortly". Even without any activity, just on the holding, so do not panic during the ZRD, go through it again, the second time it should be passed without any issues on the BM's PZRD.

Email is confirmed. BM was created in browser mode, not using API method.

The previous admin will be deleted. Full access rights, as shown on the first screenshot.

Since sometimes Facebook does not allow buyers to remove the old administrator (my "donor") in the first few days after the transfer of BM, I will periodically (once or twice a month) launch the process of exiting the BM on donors if there are already other administrators there. They have been requested for a long time. There is one disadvantage though: unused invitation links will stop working. So if you want to add new administrators, then create a link from your first administrator yourself.

The format of the issuance (delimiter is a tab):

[ link1 link2 link3 BM_ID FB_ID_of_Donor PZRD_Passing_Date PZRD_Letter_Screenshot ]


[**7t**JsL**x5co 35860917*****76 6155723*****39 20.03.2024 7:21:33

BM-add 1iz3 2iz3

3iz3BM-AQ Screenshot-2024-03-31-002617

BMs BM-Ludo