✅ Twitter full completed NFT◾️ 30-60 days old◾️ IP EUROPE ➤ real device generated ➤ 1 following ➤ 1-7 followers ◾️ avatar ◾️ banner ◾️ location ◾️ bio ◾️ BASE64 cookies ◾️ Hotmail ✅ 100% valid ✅

$ 0.21


Twitter authorizes accounts confirmed by email, they are perfectly suitable for likes/posts/reposts/subscriptions.

Use only cookie/token to log in to your account! Otherwise, there is a high chance of verification request.

Please, before purchasing a batch of accounts, buy a small quantity and test if they suit you.

Twitter should be used with clean IPs. Also, it is not advisable to perform a lot of activity on the account right away.

Format: username:password:email:email_password:base64