Facebook USA accounts | 30+ days interest-based farming | 2FA | Verified via SMS and email. Email included | Token (EAAB), useragent, and cookies included | Profile filled out. Fan page, avatar, cover added, 0-100 friends | Names and profile: EN | Registered in US.

$ 7.25


  • Registration and all actions on the accounts were carried out from USA ip.
  • Verified by SMS and email, email included.
  • Fan-Page is added.
  • Farm by interests (likes, reposts, subscriptions) of accounts from 30 days.
  • Account names and interface in Latin.
  • A profile is fully filled. An avatar and cover have been added.
  • Access token (EAAB), Useragent, and Cookies included. Cookies in JSON format.
  • Added 0-100 friends.
  • A photo for Selfies is included in the format.
  • 2-factor authentication is enabled. 2FA codes are entered here: https://2fa.fb.rip/

Log into the accounts strictly with proxies from the registration country! There are no replacements and refunds in other cases.

A non-working access token is not a reason for replacement.

Format of issued accounts:

  • Name|Login|Password|Email|Email_password|UserAgent|Access_Token|Selfie_photo|Cookie|Fb_ID|Interest_farmed|2FA_code

Account validity is checked by its ID (https://www.facebook.com/ID)

Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115

No replacements are made after you log in to the account.

The store is also not responsible for the functionality of third-party services that automate account management, such as Dolphin, FB Tools, and others, and does not guarantee the compatibility of cookies and access tokens. Test on a small scale before making a purchase. We reserve the right to refuse replacement or refund.

  • Read the description carefully and make sure it is exactly what you are looking for.
  • Use high-quality proxies for logging in.