Published on 10.06.2022


Twitch marketing in 2022 is something that more people are interested in. It is the streaming platform that is gradually gaining in power and attracting more and more Generation Z. Why the sudden surge in popularity? For its live and interactive videos! People need more interaction - so talk with the streamers or talk with the viewers.


Now, brands see in Twitch the opportunity to connect with the younger generation, the one who will build the world of tomorrow, as well as with the target of gamers, both of whom are often resistant to advertising General public. Twitch marketing in 2022 have changed a little bit compared to the previous year. Even if we look at the data, we see that the platform is growing like never before. It must be said that 67% of the audience is between 13 and 35 years old and that the hours of videos watched at the moment are increasing by around 50% each month. We will get into the nitty gritty of the marketing on Twitch!


Communication with the viewers

Originally, Twitch was reserved for the distribution of content belonging to the world of gaming. What inventory can we make of it today? Today, it is still a strong trend, but over the past three years, content is opening up to new horizons. There's something for everyone: humorous, educational, topical videos, among others. This evolution of content attracts a big audience, but above all a young public, fond of content that mixes live video and the possibility of interacting via chat. 

These are fun and educational programs that aim to popularize among adolescents and their parents all topics related to electricity and the energy transition. If you find your niche, then you should look for the competitors on Twitch. There is literally no niche that people are missing on the platform. But, some of the platforms are under-developed and need more attention from the specific field-experts. That’s why you should focus on the niche you love and have actual interest.


Digital strategy 

Is advertising possible on Twitch ? The answer is yes! In short, brands have the possibility of broadcasting advertising on the platform and most often through the pre-roll of live videos. The challenge of this digital marketing strategy is based on adapting the brand's message. Also, it is essential to take good care of the form of the advertising spot according to the target so that it is not considered too intrusive.