VK✅ (Not falling under mass bans) MORE resistant to ban in layoff. partially Filled Autorag ✅/ Gender: F. CIS numbers / Working on RF proxies / (SEE DESCRIPTION) | Autorag VK.COM (VKontakte, VK) Female (SMS) Registration 30+ days ago

$ 0.74



(Do not fall under mass ban) MORE resistant to ban during dormancy.
Filled strong Auto-reg / Gender: F. CIS numbers
Auto-reg VK.COM (VKontakte, VK) Female (SMS)
Can work on RU proxies. Filled with: photos, music, videos, wall posts
Account format login:password:id

Mandatory requirement: Verification of the purchased goods must be done within 60 minutes after purchase, with a mandatory video recording of the process. Claims are only accepted with video evidence. Buyers must record the screen from the beginning of the purchase and during the accounts' verification. Account verification is done exclusively manually. Using public checkers and proxies for verification will lead to cancellation of the possibility of replacing accounts. Our accounts undergo verification using private software and proxies, ensuring protection against blocking. The buyer is responsible for non-compliance with the rules, regardless of their knowledge of them.