[KING] Facebook USA. MANUAL FARM 3-4 DAYS Fun Page. Email included. Registration via SMS | Profile and Fan Page filled | Token (EAAB), User-agent, and Cookies
$ 7.04
If you buy from 10 pieces a day, you can contact support to get an individual offer! :)
- In case of ZRD - Replacement
- Check accounts IMMEDIATELY after purchase with online account checker
- 2 hours are given for checking accounts after purchase, buy and check IMMEDIATELY
- In case of accessing the account, there may not be replacements (depends on the situation)
- Access accounts strictly from the country of registration proxy! No replacements or refunds in other cases.
There may be cookie problems when working through dolphine, the store is not responsible for this. Try buying FB accounts in small quantities up to 10 pieces and test for your purposes.
Facebook accounts are manually registered in the emulator via SMS;
Confirmed by email, working email included;
Registration and all actions on accounts were done with US ip;
Farming accounts from 3+ days of farming, daily activity (posts, likes, comments, groups, etc.). Activity on Facebook and outside it;
Female gender;
Account names in Cyrillic/Latin;
Profile includes avatar, cover, 3+ groups, info, hobbies, 10+ posts, 30+ friends;
Token (EAAB), Useragent and Cookies included. Cookies in JSON format.
Format of issued accounts: Login:Password:link_to_accounts_RC:Firstname:Lastname:Fb_ID:Email:Email_Password:2FA:User-Agent:Cookies:Act:Token;birthdate