Telegram account author .od (suitable for OneDash), Russia +7, Aging - from 3 to 9 months. Bought over 4500 times! Suitable for invites, mailings, parsing.

$ 0.77


Telegram account auto registration .od (suitable for OneDash)

Wholesale -

Telegram accounts. Gender - mix. Aging - from 3 to 9 months. Formats: .OD. Perfect for mailing and invites. Country: Russia.
Some accounts may have old chats and activity, due to long aging. Purchased over 2500 times, total of over 12000 accounts.

Delivery format: link for download from disk

Use high-quality proxies when working with accounts.

Accounts have a certain lifespan, for maximum effect, please use them immediately after receipt.

Replacement/refund = record a video from the beginning of purchase until the moment of detecting invalidity, etc.