✅ ⚡️ Telegram accounts Chile (Chili) +569 ⚡️ Off from 1-5 days ⚡️ High trust ⚡️ Session Json ⚡️ ✅

$ 1.69


✈✈✈✈Top Telegram accounts✈✈✈✈

↰ ↱Registration on a unique IP↰ ↱

Format: Session+Json

Password for the account in the Jsone file "twoFA": (password)

✅ All accounts are checked for validity.✅

❗Best quality on the market. ❗

Due to the implementation of new spam filters by Telegram, the performance of the accounts may not be stable.

This has mainly affected Indonesia. Keep this in mind when making purchases.

This is not a reason to file complaints as it is beyond my control!

For example, if you are sending out messages and your account gets blocked immediately, it is not a reason to file complaints, Telegram has regular updates. It is necessary to constantly test before starting an invitation or message sending.

Do not use the entire batch at once. In any job, coordination is necessary.

To prove that the account is not valid, turn on video recording before using the accounts!

Use geo-accounts with geo-proxies!

If there is a spam block on the account upon login = replacement/refund