❎ Skype balance for calls $10-$15 with email included ❎ Read the description
$ 7.08
Skype accounts with balance Only for Calls! Account format: login:password | balance | email : token. How to access email? - https://prnt.sc/c-izQ8e98aGJ Go to the temporary email site https://mirror.dropmail.info Click on Restore access - Click on Restore by password - Enter token : code (comes with the account) for example [email protected] : 0dd67da5d0f9cdea6c32fd544f57486a2 Activate balance by link - https://secure.skype.com/portal/settings/credit/reactivate After that, you can make calls to paid numbers or to numbers in different countries. If you don't receive the message in your email, carefully follow the instructions above or use a VPN. REPLACEMENT IS PROVIDED ONLY IN CASE YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN BLOCKED ON THE ACCOUNT WHEN YOU PURCHASED IT, example by link https://prnt.sc/t_tTFzBlL1iN.