✅ Twitter filled with NFT, crypto ✅ ip ASIA ➤ 1-5 subscriptions ◾️ 1-5 followers ◾️ avatar ◾️ banner ◾️ location ◾️ bio ◾️ COOKIES (json) ◾️ custom username ◾️ hotmail ◾️ - for subscriptions, likes, reposts - for everything

$ 0.07


Twitter accounts confirmed via email are excellent for likes/posts/reposts/subscriptions.

Use only cookies/token to log into your account! otherwise there is a big chance of a verification request.

The package includes a hotmail/gmx login/password. To access your mail, you may need an SMS. The mail password may not work.

The region of IP registration is Asia.

Please buy a small number of accounts and test them before buying a batch of accounts to see if they are right for you.

You need to use Twitter with clean IPs. Also, it is undesirable to immediately perform a lot of activity on the account.

Format: login:password:email:mail password:cookies(json)